1. Log in to Everyminute using your Administrator credentials.
2. From the Dashboard, go to 'Timesheets' via the left-hand panel.
3. Choose the desired timeframe type to view (Pay Period, Weekly, Monthly or Custom)
4. Select the day and the employee you wish to edit.
For example, if Employee #1 needs an entry added for Thursday, September 19th.:
5. A panel will appear on the right side of your screen. Any existing entries will be displayed here. To add or modify an entry, just click 'Edit.'
6. This will open the timesheet editor, where you can add either an attendance entry or an absence.

7. You can now enter a start time and click the "+" to add a new entry afterward.
You can either choose a time by clicking the small 'clock' icon or you can simply type the time into the box. (See demonstration)